Sober raves
A space to dance without limitations, feel the beat and move your body how you feel.
As a lover of movement and music, and someone who has recovered from an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and drugs, I know how important sober raves are.
Sober raves are friendly and fun giving you the peace of mind that everyone else will be on the same level. I hold spaces where it is ok for you to move how you feel whilst listening to some of your favourite tunes.
Delivered by silent disco headphones you can control your own experience. You can connect with other ravers too (or if you’re feeling like raving in your own world, you can). There will be fun and games before and after to help ease you in and out of the dance as dancing unaided can be a new experience.
And if you say you can’t dance? It doesn’t matter! There are no dance steps to follow and there is no expectation of you to move in a particular way. Just move how you feel.
I offer themed sober raves through the decades as well as cater for private celebrations, indoors and outside. I can cater for any party size up to 30 people. I will also hire out the headsets dates depending.
If you are curious please drop me an email at i@gemmagwenarmes.com or call me on 07825770427.