Empowerment coaching

Find your inner voice and empower yourself.

I personally found coaching 3 years ago and it has changed my life.

I offer 121 Empowerment Coaching for 6 or 12 weeks. I suggest we work together every week or every other week. An example might look like:

Week 1: What do you want? Just like a physical journey you need to understand where you are trying to get to before you set off. We talk about all the things you have and want in your life and then focus in on 1, 2 or 3 goals.

Week 2: Shine the goal. Once you have decided what you want, I support you to explore what is happening now and get excited about what it will look like when you reach your goals, creating realistic actions towards each goal.

Week 3: Options & Barriers. Often there can be lots of options and barriers so discussing them helps you focus on which options you want and which barriers you are willing to overcome to get to your destination.

Week 4: Review. We take a moment to review where we are now, looking back at the first 3 weeks. Sometimes you have got what you want so we celebrate that and look at what else you want? Or maybe the barriers are still getting in the way or your focus has changed. This is a great point to take stock.

Week 5: Keep shining. I support you to explore more on what is happening now, get excited about your goals, look at more options and barriers and focus on what will you do.

Week 6: Close & Reflect. We will spend time closing our time together and reflecting. If you wish to continue working with me we can discuss that as well as put a date to check back in. I include a 3-6 month complementary 1 hour check-in as part of your journey.

If you would like to discuss coaching with me, book a completely complementary call today via the button at the top or bottom of this page.

You can also pop me an email at i@gemmagwenarmes.com or call me on 07825770427.

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